
Favorite Recipes


on writer's block and baking

cinnamon buns
I've been starring at the screen and typing the odd word, for half a day now. I'm trying to tell the story that let to this place, to a career switch and to this brand new blog. I simply don't know where to start. I'm sure I will find the words later on, perhaps right after I hit 'publish', but for now these words will have to do.

Normally, when I feel stressed, worried or blue, I bake. Baking soothes me. Only downside is that I get stuck with lots of left over baked goods, but I guess there are worse treatments for a case of the blues. Baking is what I would have done to get through the writing block I developed for this first post, but I no longer own a kitchen, just a big mess.

Time to hit 'publish' and clean my kitchen and focus on what's really important: read food blogs and eat chocolate. Right?!


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